Cistole, protection des troupeaux

Cistole, improving and adjusting herd protection in the face of the risk of predation

our services

Implementing more effective protection systems
to reduce the vulnerability of farms

When I created Cistole in 2021, I wanted to make my tools, my years of experience and my support available to all those who, like me, are looking for solutions to reduce the impact of predation on domestic herds and cohabit with large carnivores. My recommendations are based on many years' experience in the field: I know the advantages and constraints of having applied them to my own pastoral practices.

Cistole at the service of
shepherds and breeders

Whether on the plains or in mountainous areas, each farm has its own specific constraints! That's why I work on a case-by-case basis. My personalised services are aimed at farmers looking to initiate or optimise a protection scheme. They are based on a number of observations: pastoral management, characteristics of the area in relation to predation, existing means of reducing the risk of attack, the work of guard dogs, etc. The result is a diagnosis and action plan designed to improve the long-term effectiveness of protection measures against predation.

Cistole at the service of the

At the request of institutions, I draw up an inventory of wolf predation in a given area and the consequences for the livestock concerned. As a tool to assist consultation and decision-making, these territorial studies are aimed at acquiring knowledge in the field, particularly through local monitoring of packs. They document the modus operandi of predators and provide a basis for reflection on the most appropriate means of protection. I also run conferences and training courses on all subjects relating to wolf predation and herd protection measures.

Cyril, breeder-shepherd

The wolf completely disappeared from French territory in the 1930s, but reappeared in 1992. It now has a permanent presence in more than 156 areas of France. While the lynx, bear and golden jackal are also of concern to farmers and shepherds, the wolf exerte intense predation pressure on pastoral livestock farming. I'm in a good position to know: as the son of a shepherd, I'm a breeder and shepherd of a herd of ewes in a transhumant pastoral system. From the highlands of the Jura to the mountain pastures of Haute-Savoie, via the plains of Bourgogne, I have repeatedly come face to face with wolf predation on my herd. It then became clear to me that I needed to put in place new strategies and techniques to protect my livestock and reorganise my grazing system on a long-term basis.

find out more

Cistole, a structure approved
by the DRAAF Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

My services for livestock farmers and shepherds fall within the official framework of the "National Action Plan on the Wolf and Livestock Activities". As such, they are eligible for financial support, subject to certain conditions.

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Studies & Research

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Plaquette de présentation Cistole

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