At the service
of your herds

As predation is a major constraint, maintaining pastoral activity requires changes to farming systems and the use of reinforced protection measures. As a breeder and itinerant shepherd, I am well aware of the challenges and difficulties facing the profession today. From the plains of Bourgogne to the highlands of the Jura, via the mountain pastures of Haute-Savoie where I graze every year, I experience them as close as possible to my pastoral activity. With humility and in a spirit of sharing, I bring my field experience to breeders and shepherds who wish to set up or reinforce protection adapted to the specificities of their farms.

Cistole, a structure approved
by the DRAAF Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

My services for livestock farmers and shepherds fall within the official framework of the "National Action Plan on the Wolf and Livestock Activities". As such, they are eligible for financial support, subject to certain conditions. Let's take a look at your specific needs:

contact me